

Two-Way Radio Alert System

As illustrated in the diagram, a simple 2-way radio alert system can be implemented by using an EM-34AR for up to 4 different alerts, or an EM-38AR for up to 8 different alerts. In this setup the audio player is configured to play the corresponding message of the pressed button while activating relay #1. The relay closure gains the audio priority via the PTT (Push To Talk) input on the transmitter, and the message is played through the LINE OUT to all receivers simultaneously. After the message is finished, the relay opens and the audio priority is returned to the microphone on the transmitter. The system is now ready for the next alert.

Two-Way Radio Alert System

As illustrated in the diagram, a simple 2-way radio alert system can be implemented by using an EM-34AR for up to 4 different alerts, or an EM-38AR for up to 8 different alerts. In this setup the audio player is configured to play the corresponding message of the pressed button while activating relay #1. The relay closure gains the audio priority via the PTT (Push To Talk) input on the transmitter, and the message is played through the LINE OUT to all receivers simultaneously. After the message is finished, the relay opens and the audio priority is returned to the microphone on the transmitter. The system is now ready for the next alert.
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